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Churches display profound aesthetic achievements and cultural expressions. But more than just a repository of revered symbols and arts, a church stands as a place of worship and an important landmark for any community. These are just a few of the reasons why such a structure must be properly maintained and preserved.
Unfortunately, old churches are prone to water damage, so maintaining a comfortable, clean, and safe place for churchgoers should be a priority. It's also important to know what to do if a church is in danger of water or fire damage before bigger problems occur.
Effects of Water Damage in Churches
When a church incurs water damage, the effect is the same as those in residences. If the church has wooden furniture, action must be taken quickly to keep the wood from rotting. Other effects of water damage include moisture problems in basements or crawl spaces. Moisture and humidity can create structural damage and mold growth, which can be harmful to one's health if paired with a ventilation system. These can also mess up your wiring system and cause potential fire hazards.
Water damage can be caused by a flood, burst pipe, or if there's been a shortage caused by faulty equipment. There's also the risk of backflow because of a faulty sewage system or overflow. One thing is clear: for each event that happens, it can cost the church money. At the same time, people will be less willing to attend a church that's in poor condition.
To keep this from happening, it's important for the church to call in the experts who can restore the structure to pristine condition. Consistent professional maintenance and restoration work can prevent further losses. In addition, professional help can also preserve the beauty of any wall paintings, statues, and furniture in the church.
Having a Church Contingency Plan
In case of emergencies, it's always useful to have a contingency plan so that the church and its volunteers will know what to do. Having access to and practicing an evacuation and shelter plan is ideal so that you can be prepared for any man-made or natural disaster.
Churches should invest in a good power backup and communications system. Its members should also have a common evacuation point so that volunteers will know where to direct people.
To ensure safety and structure, the church should also keep a good relationship with the best local restoration company.